Main Dishes
Baked Thin Chicken Breasts
Arugula Chicken Salad
Rummaniyeh - Lentil and Eggplant Stew
Freekeh Salad with Grilled Cauliflower
Musakhan Rolls (Vegan)
Galayet Bandora (Pan Fried Tomatoes)
Maftoul Salad
Sfeeha is a Fantastic Open-Faced Meat Pie
Bamieh Recipe (Okra Stew)
Qalayet Bandoura Yakhni a Simple Hearty Tomato Stew
Maftoul (Palestinian Couscous)
Loubieh bi Zeit (Green Beans with Tomatoes)
Stuffed Artichoke Bottoms
Cauliflower Fritters with Eggs - Mshaat مشاط
Zucchini with Parsley كوسا خرط
Red Split Lentils with Pasta (Rishtayeh) عدس رشتاية
Cauliflower Tacos with Tahini Dressing
Eggplants with Tomatoes - Mousa’ah مسقعة
Vegan Stuffed Grape Leaves, yalangi ورق دوالي صيامي
Fava Beans Vegan Stew - فول اخضر صيامي
Mujadara with Bulgur مجدرة مع برغل
Vegan Okra (bamyeh) بامية بالزيت
Vegan Spaghetti معكرون صيامي
Authentic Chickpea Falafel The Best I Have Ever Had
Freekeh with Vegetables nutty smoky flavor high in protein
Fava Beans with Bulgur popular and loaded with nutrients
Stuffed Swiss Chard a Delicious and Unique Vegan Recipe
How to Cook Freekeh
Eggplant Fatteh
Warak Dawali
Chicken Fatteh
Chicken Musakhan
Eggplant Mutabak a Simple and Easy Casserole Dish
Musakhan Rolls
Sheikh el Mahshi
Shish Barak Recipe
Authentic Chicken Shawarma Recipe
Peas Stew (Bazella) Recipe
Jordanian Mansaf Recipe